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07.07.2023 | Buying

12 Tips to Take the Stress out of Your Move!

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Moving to a new home is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful! Organizing, packing, picking up your life and navigating a new neighbourhood – all add to the stress of moving day. If you start early, create a plan, and use the right strategies, you can reduce moving stress and set yourself up for a smooth transition. Keep your focus on your new space and how much fun you’ll have once you are settled! We hope these 12 moving tips help make your move a positive and exciting experience.

1. Create a moving plan & timeline

Knowing that every aspect of your move is well planned out will give you peace of mind. Start by listing all the jobs that need to be done (purging, packing, cancelling utilities) and then create a detailed outline that defines when you will complete each one. Start early and give yourself lots of time to book movers or reserve trucks. Breaking it down into manageable steps will help everyone stay organized and reduce that last-minute rush.

2. Start early and start small

Purging, cleaning, and organizing can be done well before your move. Give yourself as much time as possible to complete your jobs. Space everything out and tackle packing a little at a time. Squeezing those tasks into your already busy routine will be much easier!

3. Create a labelling system

However you organize it, well-marked boxes make the moving process much more manageable. Consider creating a master inventory list when you are packing to outline where everything is. Numbering your boxes with a room-by-room system makes it easy for anyone helping to put them in the right place in the new house.

4. Pack strategically

Focus on one room at a time so you can keep everything together. Pack and organize anything you won’t use before the move, like holiday decorations or seasonal wear, and tuck it away so it’s ready to go. If you take apart any furniture, take photos, and keep all hardware together so it’s easy to assemble in your new place.

5. Research your new area

Whether you are moving to a new country, city, or just across town, doing some research on your new area can help alleviate moving stress. Seek out grocery stores, pharmacies, and dining options close to your new home. If you have children, spend time around their school area so they can get a sense of their new school.

6. Don’t neglect self-care

It can be easy when you are busy to neglect yourself and not prioritize your health. If you are tired, not eating well, and pack too much into a day, the stress will hit you harder. Make sure you take time for activities you enjoy, eat properly, get enough rest, and remind yourself of your fabulous new home!

7. Ask for help

Whether you are asking friends to help pack and move or are hiring professionals, be sure to bring on some backup! If you hire a moving company, ask around and do your research to end up with true professionals. You don’t want to trust just anyone with your valuables.

8. Create a moving day agenda

Create an agenda for your moving day and give a copy to anyone helping. Knowing everyone is on the same page will ease your mind and help avoid any moving day mishaps. Add contact information so movers can get in touch with you if anything does pop up the day of. And remember to schedule breaks and plan for meals. You want to ensure everyone is happy, healthy and rested on your moving day.

9. Bring a moving day survival kit

Pack an overnight bag with essentials like toiletries and a change of clothes so you don’t have to worry about searching through boxes as soon as you get in your new home. Bring snacks, water, and a first aid kit for any bumps or scratches. Don’t forget some handsoap, paper towels and a few rolls of toilet paper!

10. Plan for pets

Our furry friends also feel the stress of a moving day. If you have someone who can pet sit for a few days until you are in the new place, it will help make the adjustment easier for your pet. (And give you one less thing to worry about!)

11. Keep your eye on the prize

Moving stress is only one small part of relocating to a new space. Keep your new home in mind while you are packing and moving. Plan where you will put everything in the new place, and picture yourself all unpacked and settled, sitting with your feet up in your beautiful new home.

12. Unpack as quickly as possible

Once you’re in the new place, try to unpack as quickly as possible. Living in a mountain of boxes will only extend your moving stress. If you can, get a cleaner into your new home before you get there so you can start to unpack and settle in as soon as possible.

If you are organized and prepared leading up to your moving day, you will decrease stress and make the whole process much smoother and more enjoyable. Be sure to take time for self-care and focus on all the new and exciting things in your future. Exploring a new neighbourhood, discovering fun dining options, and decorating your new home are all incredible things to look forward to! If you need an experienced agent in the West GTA, the David Bradica Team is here to help! Let’s connect today!